" Dagestan GAU Proceedings" is an electronic scientific polythematic network journal of the Dagestan State Agrarian University named after M.M. Dzhambulatov. Registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media. Notification of the issuance of an extract from the register of registered mass media Reg.No El No.FS77-74011 dated October 29, 2018. Founded in January 2019, 4 issues per year.
The journal publishes the results of experimental, theoretical and methodological research in the following scientific areas:
03.02.00 - general biology (biological, agricultural sciences); 05.18.00 - food technology (technical, agricultural sciences); 05.20.00 - processes of machines of agroengineering systems (agricultural, technical sciences); 06.01.00 - agronomy (agricultural sciences); 06.02.00 - veterinary and animal science (Agricultural Sciences); 08.00.05 - economics and management of the national economy ( by industries and spheres of activity), including: economics, organization and management of enterprises, industries, complexes; innovation management, regional labor economics; population economics and demography; business economics, marketing; management; pricing; economic security; standardization and product quality management; land management; recreation and tourism) (economic sciences).