
Scientific fields Number of journals issued in 2024
№ 1 (21) № 2 (22) № 3 (23) № 4 (24)
Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles
4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water management 20 23    
4.2. Animal science and veterinary medicine 14 14    
4.3. Agroengineering and food technologies 20 25    


Scientific fields Number of journals issued in 2023
№ 1 (17) № 2 (18) № 3 (19) № 4 (20)
Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles
4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water management 16 12  9 11
4.2. Animal science and veterinary medicine 10 15  11 21
4.3. Agroengineering and food technologies 14 12  12 16


Scientific fields Number of journals issued in 2022
№ 1 (13) № 2 (14) № 3 (15) № 4 (16)
Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles
03.02.00 General Biology 1 2 1  
05.18.00Technology of food products 5 4 4  
05.20.00 Processes of machines of agroengineering systems 2 2 2  
06.01.00 Agronomy 3 8 5  
06.02.00 Veterinary medicine and zootechnics 3 7 4  
08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management 5 2 5  
4.1. Agronomy, forestry and water management       25
4.2. Animal science and veterinary medicine       17
4.3. Agroengineering and food technologies       19


Scientific fields Number of journals issued in 2021
№ 1 (9) № 2 (10) № 3 (11) № 4 (12)
Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles
03.02.00 General Biology 2 2 1 2
05.18.00Technology of food products 5 6 6 5
05.20.00 Processes of machines of agroengineering systems 3 2 3 3
06.01.00 Agronomy 4 5 2 7
06.02.00 Veterinary medicine and zootechnics 3 2 2 3
08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management 12 3 3 2


Scientific fields Number of journals issued in 2020
№ 1 (5) № 2 (6) № 3 (7) № 4 (8)
Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles
03.02.00 General Biology 4 1 1  2
05.18.00Technology of food products 8 2 6  5
05.20.00  Processes of machines of agroengineering systems 2 2 1  1
06.01.00  Agronomy 6 7 5  4
06.02.00  Veterinary medicine and zootechnics 2 4 4  5
08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management 6 5 4  2


Scientific fields Number of journals issued in 2019
№ 1 (1) № 2 (2) № 3 (3) № 4 (4)
Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles Number of articles
03.02.00 General Biology 4 3 4 7
05.18.00Technology of food products 9 14 8 5
05.20.00  Processes of machines of agroengineering systems 7 2 2 4
06.01.00  Agronomy 17 22 15 13
06.02.00  Veterinary medicine and zootechnics 4 5 5 5
08.00.05 Economics and National Economy Management 3 2 6 4